Vappu Eve Virtual Party!
Join us for a virtual vappu party! Sign up at:

Time & Location
Apr 30, 2020, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Virtual Vappu Party - Hosted on Zoom
Mikko Nordic Fine Foods” (Mikko) is hosting a virtual Vappu party on Zoom, Thursday, April 30, starting at 6:00 PM. Vappu is a Finnish holiday commemorating the end of winter. Officially, Vappu is May 1st, coinciding with International Labor Day; but, the party starts Vapu eve when the Finns wash and coronate their town statues and then party likely only Finns can. The Party will start with a group virtual statue washing. Then everyone will don their Vappu hats and sing Finnish drinking song. Chef Mikko will talk about Vappu food and teach us all to make Sima—the traditional Vappu drink. Staff from the restaurant will demonstrate how to make popular Mikko cocktails. Everyone will model their Vappu hats and crazy hairstyles. There will be a prize for the best hat. The Finns will not let not let this terrible pandemic dampen Finnish Vappu Spirit. Oh! And May 1st is Mikko’s second birthday. Another great reason to celebrate. Check out and Mikko Nordic Fine Foods on Facebook and Instagram for more information, to RSVP, and to pre-order your Vappu food and drink.!
Sign up here:
Zoom meeting info will be sent out next week!